Salon: Marijuana could improve multiple sclerosis symptoms

Salon: Marijuana could improve multiple sclerosis symptoms

Can medical marijuana treat MS?

In the US, one in 750 people suffers from multiple sclerosis, an autoimmune disease that causes symptoms such as gait and balance disorders, cognitive dysfunction, fatigue, pain and muscle spasticity. Thorsten Rudroff, an Assistant Professor and Director of Integrative Neurophysiology Lab at Colorado State University discusses an ongoing observational study on the effects of regular cannabis use on physical function and activity levels in people with MS.

Preliminary results indicate that people with MS using cannabis have greater physical activity levels, leg strength and walking speed, while also having less spasticity, fatigue and a lower perceived risk of falling.

Read the full article from Salon here »

Deadspin: NFL Players Need Medical Marijuana, But Their Union Won’t Help

Deadspin: NFL Players Need Medical Marijuana, But Their Union Won’t Help

The NFL has the most draconian ban on marijuana in American pro sports, ruining several careers and now forcing at least one player to choose between his livelihood and treating a potentially fatal disease.

Journalist Chris Roberts delves into the issue of medical marijuana use in the NFL. While many players use marijuana for pain management, it is against league rules. The NFL Players Association, a labor organization built to represent and protect the rights of the players, is unfortunately doing nothing to help.

Read the full article over on Deadspin »